Melissa Muldoon is an artist, graphic designer, and award-winning author of the Studentessa Matta Website, a dual language blog, where she promotes the Italian language and culture. Through the Matta Website, she organizes small group language immersion programs in Italy twice a year, in collaboration with Italian schools as well as private Italian language homestay vacations, with teachers all over Italy.

Waking Isabella follows Melissa’s debut novel Dreaming Sophia, published in 2016. In this new book set in Arezzo, Italy, readers are taken on another art history adventure. Waking Isabella weaves together several loves stories as well as a few mysteries, as Nora, the protagonist begins to resolve the puzzle of a painting, which has been missing for decades of Isabella de’ Medici — the Renaissance princess who was murdered by her husband.

For more information on Melissa Muldoon and her books, visit her website at

Topics of conversation:

Isabella de Medici
Research for the book in Arezzo, Italy
Giostra del Saracino – Annual Jousting Festival held in Arezzo
Suppression of Artists and Hitler’s Obsession during WWII
Melissa’s Writing Process
Her Award Winning Italian Language Blog and Immersion Trips to Italy
Most Rewarding Experience as an Author