David Fiensy has a passion for teaching and preaching the Bible and for thinking about and articulating theological ideas.

After graduating from Duke University with a Ph.D. in New Testament, David Fiensy taught for seven years at Kentucky Christian University. He then served a two-year tenure at The Institute for the Study of Christian origins in Germany.  Upon returning to the United States, he accepted a church pastorate for six years and then resumed teaching at Kentucky Christian University. He has participated in seven archaeological excavations and surveys and has otherwise traveled widely in the Mediterranean area and the Middle East.

Now semi-retired, David serves as a speaker and consultant for churches and colleges and is involved in several writing and research projects. David and his wife, Molly, have two daughters and three grandchildren.

To learn more about David and his works, visit his website at https://davidafiensy.com/


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Other books by David A. Fiensy


The Journey: Spiritual Growth in Galatians and Philippians


The purpose of life is not to prosper; it is to develop the soul (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

The Christian life is not so much walking the line as hitting the road. It is about journeying with God through the adventures of life, climbing the mountains of joy and descending into the valleys of suffering. In this inspiring, accessible, and engaging book, Fiensy draws on his forty years as teacher and pastor to explore Paul's spirituality. He focuses on Paul's autobiographical references in his letters to the Galatians and Philippians.

The Journey teaches us that the Christian's life in the Spirit can benefit from suffering as well as joy, danger as well as peace, and rejection as well as love.



Website: https://davidafiensy.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidafiensy

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-fiensy-0614663a/

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