Derek Berry is a poet & novelist. They are the author of the novel Heathens & Liar of Lickskillet County (PRA, 2016) & the poetry chapbook Skinny Dipping with Strangers (2013).


Their poems & short stories can be found in Beloit Poetry Journal, ANMLY, Raleigh Review, Jet Fuel Review, Longleaf Review, Barely South Review, Landfill, The Water This Time: Anthology on Sea Level Rise in Charleston, BOAAT Journal, Pidgeonholes, Yemassee, The Broken Plate, Gigantic Sequins, Longleaf Review, Open Minds Quarterly, Jet Fuel Review, Running with Water Anthology, Blue Mountain Review, Glint Journal, museum of americana, Taco Bell Quarterly, Ki'n, Kakalak, Fall Lines, Lemonstar Magazine, armarolla, Rabid Oak, The Comet Poems Series, The Southern Tablet, Cattywampus, Charleston Currents, Illuminations, RiverSedge, Miscellany, and other journals. They are the 2018 recipient of the Patricia & Emmett Robinson Prize from the Poetry Society of South Carolina. They are also the recipient of the 2018 KAKALAK Poetry Prize & 2018 Emrys Poetry Prize. They have worked as a photographer’s assistant, busboy, and bookseller. They currently work at a curation facility for Cold War History.

For more information about Derek Berry visit their website at:

Topics of conversation:
Creativity –  Habits vs. Muse
International Politics – Refugee Policies
Balancing Being a Writer with Being a College Student
Growing Up in the South
Work as a Spoken Word Poet