Books have been a part of Marilynn Wood’s world for as long as she can remember. She was influenced by her maternal grandmother, a teacher, who exposed her to reading and writing at an early age. She wrote her first story in first grade and caught the literary bug, though it would be many years later for her dream to become an author was realized. 

What started as a book about the socio-economic problems on our planet took a turn to SciFi when a UFO experience caused her to wonder about beings from another planet and how they would regard us and the way we treat one another. During the creation of her debut novel, Exit to Morvana, Wood realized her deepest wish was for our planet to achieve Utopia, claiming victory over all the upheavals we’ve been through. Marilynn believes we have all the potential to succeed, but it’s up to us to choose the right path.

Marilynn Wood resides in the beautiful Okanagan Valley, in the Canadian province of British Columbia, where she is currently working on her second novel.

To learn more about Marilynn Wood and her work visit



The author's writing journey and her decision to become an author.
About Exit to Morvana
Inspiration behind the story.
Writing a series.
The most surprising thing she learned while writing Exit to Morvana and the one thing she wishes she'd known before she started out!
What's next for Marilynn Wood?



Do the painful disappointments in life make you wonder "Where is the exit door on this planet? Consider the tale of over worked, lonely Samantha who one day meets a mysterious Alien while visiting a metaphysical book store. He offers to take her to Morvana, a planet in the Andromeda galaxy where the people have such long life spans they are virtually immortal. The Morvanian civilization has suffered through all the trials and tribulations that planet Earth has and overcome them. This has resulted in a near perfect Utopian planet. The only catch is, Samantha must agree to leave Earth and everything she knows -- forever. If you had such an opportunity, would you go?