Perry Martin’s career was in performing root cause failure analysis for the USAF performing “aircraft mishap investigations” and then for the private sector involving failures in high reliability equipment. His first book was Electronic Failure Analysis Handbook, published by McGraw Hill in 1999 and was a comprehensive overview of the use of root cause failure analysis in developing more reliable electronic equipment. “California Chrome Our Story” documents the development of a champion racehorse and more enlightened readers will ascertain how root cause failure analysis was used in this process.

To learn more about Perry Martin and California Chrome visit



About the book and inspiration for writing California Chrome: Our Story.
Breeding Horses
Being involved in all aspects of being a racehorse owner.
Who are the Chromies
California Chrome and his charismatic charm
The process of the development of a champion racehorse



California Chrome - Our Story A compelling true story about family, life and love. Building a dream, and then getting swept away by the horse of a lifetime! The Martins had built a comfortable middle-class life, only to risk it all and push their finances to the limit in building Martin Testing Laboratories. After years of struggling, they made the business profitable through sheer will. Regaining their financial feet, you would think they would relax and enjoy their much earned success. Instead, they embark on the ride of a lifetime as the first horse they had ever bred, California Chrome, takes the world by storm and wins the Kentucky Derby! This book is an effort to clear the social media and internet fog surrounding California Chrome and to dispel the salacious gossip that in today's world passes for journalism. It is a clear-eyed look at the business of breeding and racing a champion racehorse, and all the thrills and heartaches that go along with it.