Clinics are slowly opening back up. Patients are returning for services. But things definitely look different than they did two months ago.

On this special live episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talked to Dr. Jovana Lekovich of RMA of New York and Lisa Rinehart of LegalCare Consulting. Together, we discussed the new normal of clinics and took a look at how clinics can update their Standard Operating Procedures to comply with federal guidelines, all while keeping their patients and employees safe.

This episode was recorded during a live webinar. As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues and new issues arise, we are putting out new information to help you and your fertility business. Follow us on social media for updates on upcoming webinars and how to join them live. Find this information helpful? We’d love it if you’d share with a friend or colleague in the fertility space.

**Please note that this episode contains some insights into the legal aspects of SOPs and COVD-19. This is not intended to provide legal counsel to you or to your clinic, it is merely a conversation about legalities with a licensed attorney.