Download CooperSurgical’s brand new PGT-A Clinician's Reference Tool

“I always recommend parental DNA checking. Parental QC provides important protection for everyone, both patients and clinicians” – Dr. Peter Klatsky

Dr. Peter Klatsky, Co-Founder of Spring Fertility, provides harrowing examples of catastrophic close calls with gamete swaps, prevented only with the help of the latest advanced technology in PGT-A. Dr. Klatsky is joined by Chelsea Leonard, Clinical Science Specialist at CooperSurgical®, as she walks us through the current and future developments of PGT and its place in helping to maximize patient success while minimizing risk of irreversible harm.

Ms. Leonard and Dr. Klatsky dive into:

Developments in PGT-A testing that are critical to help avoid gamete swap
Real life examples of where and how PGT discovered DNA mismatches (Helping reduce legal and ethical liabilities)
The technology behind a new test called PGT-Complete (And its impact on the origin of aneuploidy)
AI’s place in PGT Testing (The new possibilities in scaling and learning)
Why tests like CooperSurgical’s PGT-Complete℠ Tests are necessary to help avoid gamete swapping catastrophes (And how they might protect those providing fertility treatment)

Download CooperSurgical’s PGT-A Clinician's Reference Tool