This may be the most serious topic we’ve discussed on Inside Reproductive Health, and it is a vital conversation to be having in the fertility space. The buying and selling of human trafficked eggs.

Diana Thomas, CEO and Founder of The World Egg and Sperm Bank and an early recipient of donor egg IVF, addresses the concerning rise in trafficked eggs reaching clinics and patients, along with the associated legal and ethical concerns.

Diana talks about:

The spike in donor eggs from developing countries (And how many of them are flagged as high risk for human trafficking)

How victims are coached to amend their profiles to look upper class (Reducing suspicion of exploitation)

Specific examples of different egg donor agencies and banks where there’s contradicting information regarding donor information.

A new Human Trafficking Act (Including the legal and financial implications)

TWESB’s strict protocols to minimize the risk of providing trafficked eggs to their patients

Her checklist any clinic can use to help ensure they are not buying and selling trafficked eggs