This week’s guest, Vinesh Ghadia, CEO and co-founder of BlackCap Equity’s fertility vertical in India, talks about the exponential growth and consolidation happening right now in India in the fertility space. How is it possible to have 60 to 70 new fertility centers per year opening, with no shortage of fertility doctors? Tune in to the latest episode of Inside Reproductive Health to find out.

Listen to hear:

About the five to six biggest fertility chains in India, and the four to five that are on their way up now.

How India is averaging more than one new fertility clinic per week in the country.

What the US can learn from India in terms of consolidation, comparatively, where a network with 35-40 clinics is considered a midsize chain.

Grif press Vinesh to explain why he believes India to be the biggest market for growth in the ART space in the next decade.

What Indian fertility companies did to solve their fertility doctor shortage problem, and what they may do regarding the embryologist shortage.

What Vinesh thinks about the falling price of PGT-A.