“Money is made when you buy, not when you sell.” Is the saying for real estate investors also true for fertility doctors, their work-life balance, and their control over quality of patient care?

How does an entrepreneurial fertility specialist find the REI practice equivalent to the under-priced house in the up-and-coming neighborhood? The one with unbelievably beautiful bones that isn’t too much of a fixer-upper, but is just at the inflection point where its market price is about to shoot up like a hockey stick?

There aren’t many. Few fertility practices have already transitioned their embryology and business leadership to the same generation as the fertility doctors that will take over.

But there are a couple, and we found one. Christine DeLuca and Stephen Hutchison join Griffin this week to discuss what it looks like when millennials run an REI practice.

Listen to hear:

How younger docs find the best value in an REI practice.
What Stephen and Christine’s team is doing at PCRS, that independently owned fertility practices almost never do
What changes Millenials are making in the fertility practice industry- embryo storage, cryo inventory, and more.
What it looks like to work in a culture where you not only help to create babies but can bring your own baby to work.
Arbitrage and younger docs

PS: Watch what Stephen and Christine and their team can do. Can you do this at your practice?