Dr. Carol Curchoe, ART Compass director and reproductive physiologist and embryologist, speaks with Griffin Jones about the future of artificial intelligence in the IVF lab, shares her thoughts on how it could be the solution to the ever-present threat of embryologist burnout, and what technologies could take the place of old school, antiquated monitoring systems.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

What will happen when the big names in IVF labs retire (soon), and who will be (or won’t be) replacing them.
Why the idea that technology hasn't advanced in the IVF lab is a myth
What solutions AI presents for IVF lab quality control, and how we universally implement them.
How the tech gaps in IVF lab management are overburdening embryologists everywhere, and how this can, and should, be solved.

Dr. Carol Curchoe’s Information:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carol-lynn-curchoe/

Website: https://artcompass.io/

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