On this week of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin Jones is joined by Gabriel Bogner, co-founder of Mate Fertility—a leading disrupter in the IVF space.

Did you know—nearly 20% of the time, it takes more than two people to make a baby? And yet, only 1.7% of those dealing with infertility seek or receive the treatment they need. Gabriel and his team of fertility doctors believe the best science should be available to the most people. And at ma(t)e fertility, they’re working to make this possible.

Listen to the full episode to learn:

How Mate Fertility is disrupting the IVF space with affordable, accessible IVF treatments
How traditional OB-GYNs can get set-up with a Mate Fertility clinic in less than 6 months
And what the future of mate looks like for both IVF patients and clinic owners

Inside Reproductive Health is sponsored by EngagedMD. For technology that educates your patients with true informed consent, visit engagedmd.com/IRH for 25% off your implementation fee.

Gabriel Bogner: 

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielbogner/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matefertility/

Interested in adding IVF to your clinical services? Mate Fertility can help with that. https://matefertility.com/how-it-works/

Need help with your marketing? Go to fertilitybridge.com