In the latest episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Stephanie and I explore if MD & DO referrals are still king or have been overthrown by internet resources as top referral sources. Knowing where most referrals come from can help you build an effective strategy to capture more new patients and convert those referrals at a higher rate. We also layout 6 pillars for an effective referring provider strategy that you can either give to your physician liaison to start implementing or outsource to a company like Fertility Bridge. At the end of the day, if your PL does not have a system, you are leaving money on the table.

Listen in to the full episode to learn:

The 6 pillars of an effective referring provider strategy

Make sure your reporting is in line and cohesive

Ancillary services

Building the right content

Having the right events

Outreach of referring sources

Converting referrals that come to you

The % of patients actually referred by a doctor (and what that means for your clinic)

If a physician liaison is needed

How to attribute referral sources properly

Additional Resources:

Referral Pattern Blog Post:

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