Sometimes it’s the REI that holds back the growth of a clinic because he/she is doing tasks that could be delegated. It’s our job at Fertility Bridge to help you bring new patients through the doors of the clinic and it’s your job to convert as many of those patients to treatment as needed. In this week’s episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin chats with Tamara Tobias on her perspective on the role the APP plays in reducing the REI bottleneck.

Tamara Tobias is a nurse practitioner supervisor at Seattle Reproductive Medicine with over 24 years of experience. She is active in ASRM, currently serving on the Membership Committee. She helped develop the REI nurse certificate and basic courses available through ASRM and is a recipient of the ASRM Service Milestone Award. She is also an active leader in her local fertility community and publisher of ‘Fertility Walk’.

Topics covered in this episode include:

What your APPs should be doing vs the REI

How the REI could increase productivity by only doing follow-up appointments

What to do to have recruiting advantages

Training APPs

Connect with Tamara:


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