We’ve seen it happen all over the country and you’ve probably seen it in your backyard--clinics are merging and consolidating, absorbing the market share. But with the fall of Integramed in the spring of 2020 and dozens of clinics left in the lurch, mergers and consolidations started to appear more risky.

On this episode of Inside Reproductive Health, Griffin talks to Mark Segal, CEO of Shady Grove Fertility and CEO of the newly-formed US Fertility, a fertility group made up of Shady Grove Fertility, IVF Florida, RSC of the Bay Area, and FCI in Chicago. Despite forming in a pandemic and after the Integramed news, US Fertility’s partnerships thrive--and are geared to keep growing, especially in the next 18 months. So what does that mean for the hundreds of smaller clinics that continue to remain in the field?

You can find Mark Segal on LinkedIn and learn more about US Fertility by visiting USFertility.com.

To learn more about our Goal and Competitive Diagnostic, visit us at FertilityBridge.com.