Breaking News: Kirstjen Nielsen addresses the media after being ousted as Homeland Security Secretary as President Trump's immigration frustration escalates and hardliners seize control of border policy. On the way out, Nielsen is said to see the President as unhinged and looking to ignore the law to get his way.

Plus, Wednesday or never? House Democrats have a deadline for the IRS to surrender the President's taxes. But Team Trump waives it off and says see you in court.

And new tensions with Iran: The President overrides objections from the Pentagon and CIA and designates Iran's elite military unit as a terrorist group.

Today's Panel: Margaret Talev With Bloomberg, CNN's Jeff Zeleny, Tarini Parti with Buzzfeed News, and Karoun Demirjian with The Washington Post.

Also on the Program: CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Jessica Schneider, and Lauren Fox. via Knit