A whir of new developments connected to the whistleblower complaint that is now the lynchpin of the Democratic impeachment push.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refusing today to put a specific timeline on the investigation, but the committee taking the lead told reporters to expect subpoenas for key witnesses and told its members to be ready to work during a planned two week recess.

A big question today: Are House Democrats on their own, or will the Republican-led Senate look into the allegations raised in the explosive whistleblower complaint?

Today's Panel: Julie Pace with the Associated Press, Sahil Kapur with Bloomberg, Julie Hirschfeld Davis with The New York Times, and CNN's Abby Phillip

Also on the Program: CNN's Kaitlan Collins and Manu Raju

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A whir of new developments connected to the whistleblower complaint that is now the lynchpin of the Democratic impeachment push.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refusing today to put a specific timeline on the investigation, but the committee taking the lead told reporters to expect subpoenas for key witnesses and told its members to be ready to work during a planned two week recess.

A big question today: Are House Democrats on their own, or will the Republican-led Senate look into the allegations raised in the explosive whistleblower complaint?

Today's Panel: Julie Pace with the Associated Press, Sahil Kapur with Bloomberg, Julie Hirschfeld Davis with The New York Times, and CNN's Abby Phillip

Also on the Program: CNN's Kaitlan Collins and Manu Raju

See omnystudio.com/policies/listener for privacy information.