Jeff Dyer is the author of Innovator’s DNA, Innovator’s Method, and Innovation Capital. He talks with Brian Ardinger, Inside Outside Innovation Founder, about innovative leaders and how they generate creative ideas. 

In Innovator’s DNA, Jeff identifies characteristics of innovative entrepreneurs, including questioning, observing, networking and experimenting. In Innovator’s Method, Jeff identifies a process to test ideas for investment: 1) Generating idea, 2) Is someone willing to pay, 3) Rapid prototyping, and 4) Find right business model. Finally, in Innovation Capital, Jeff interviews innovation leaders and how they secure research and support to move on innovative ideas.  

Innovative Leaders are Judged on Three Things
Human capital, social capital, and reputation capital (track record). 
Forward thinking, problem-solving, and persuasion. 

Innovation Capital can De-risk Innovation Leadership
Innovators paradox: You have to take novel risky ideas forward. Look at INC 50 each year. What are new companies, with new business models, doing? 

Social Capital
Most people think your strongest 150 ties are most important. Your weak social ties are likely to be much more important. How do you connect to those weak ties? 

Human Capital
Innovation skill sets are becoming more important because it’s critical to know how to move ideas forward and create value. 

For More Information:
For more information about Jeff or Innovation Capita, check out

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