Growth, Pricing and SaaS

Patrick Campbell is the CEO of ProfitWell (formerly Price Intelligently), the software for helping subscription companies with their monetization and retention strategies. ProfitWell also provides free turnkey subscription financial metrics for over 8,000 companies. Prior to ProfitWell, Patrick lead was an Economist at Google and the NSA, an experience he thought was surprisingly similar.

With 50 employees in Boston and Argentina, ProfitWell has been funded by bootstrapping and a growing customer base. They serve about 25 percent of the market.

In Brian Ardinger's interview with Patrick, they started by discussing two important business themes. First, being customer focused and second, placing a high priority on building the team and hiring. Patrick believes a company needs to be direct about the type of culture they want. Focus on the right behaviors and values and bring in a diverse amount of thought. 

Patrick then highlighted three key issues that ProfitWell helps SAAS companies focus on:
- Utilizing the right value metric. Companies that use it grow at twice the pace. 
- Localizing their pricing. Make sure your pricing is localized on a currency and demand base.
- Delinquent Churn on Credit Cards. Cancelled for reasons or bad credit cards.

He also discussed various trends they are seeing in the industry. For example:
- Seeing aquistion-based marketing backfiring a bit. Not where hyper-growth is coming from. 
- Design and usage more important than ever. 
- Rise of the anti-usage product. Allowing you do your work, while software does the mechanical work. 

To talk further with Patrick Campbell or learn more about ProfitWell, you can email him at [email protected] or connect on LinkedIn.

For more interviews on growth, pricing and SaaS, check out Brian Ardinger's interview with Tom Samph and Ajay Rajani with

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