Our inspiration for this week's show was Michelle Obama's popular catchphrase, "When they go low, you go high." Don't worry, our next episode will also have a fun Republican catchphrase.

In this episode, we discussed how low the security of our favorite things have gone - in music, email, and the internet of things(IoT).

Music. There are a lot of music lovers that use Spotify on their desktops, but they weren't expecting it to periodically cause their browser to open malicious sites without their permission.

Email. These days, even though kids these days think email is passé, organizations still rely on email. That's why, we must cover Yahoo's 500 million leaked accounts as well as hacked presidential candidates emails. (Psst, go to 5:03, if you wanna know how much Yahoo would have paid if GDPR - the EU's latest data protection regulation - was in effect)

IoT. Lastly, we discussed Mirai, the recent DDoS attack against Brian Krebs, who runs KrebsOnSecurity.com, a publication about cybersecurity.

Thinking Like a Hacker

In this segment, we attempt to explain "SQL Injection" to a 5-year-old.

A Tool for Sysadmins

Fiddler - The free web debugging proxy for any browser, system or platform

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