Here’s today’s question – are you an expert or a visionary?

Seems like a random question? It’s not.

When I was growing up – a while ago now - influence belonged to those who could amass the most information. I don’t know if many of you can remember the EB – basically a set of books that were said to contain all the information on the planet. 

Everything there was to know about pretty much anything in the universe. All in 32 books and 32,640 pages.

Seems like a big call now. But my parents spent more than they could probably afford at the time buying those books. Why? Because before the internet, it was the best chance they had at giving my brother and I access to the most powerful resource on the planet at the time – information.

Now – how many of us feel like we have a lack of information? Anyone sat there thinking, if only I had access to more information? 

I’m guessing the answer is no.

And that brings me right back where we started, which is the key difference between an expert and a visionary.

Today’s Guest 

Michael Port is a NY Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, TED speaker and Co-Founder & CEO of Heroic Public Speaking.

Over the last two decades, Michael has written eight books that have made it onto the bestseller lists – including Steal the Show, Book Yourself Solid and the Referable Speaker. 

Not too bad for someone who was told by his fourth grade teacher that he had the worst spelling she’d seen in 25 years of teaching.

Over that time, and together with his wife and co-founder, Amy Port he has also built Heroic Public Speaking Worldwide. Offering the most complete (and effective) speaker training in the world. All centred around teaching speakers what actors have always known – how to craft an authentic performance during presentations, pitches and lifes high stakes moments. 

Website: Heroic Public Speaking Worldwide




References and links mentionedMichael is offering listeners ‘50 SPEAKER TIPS To Wow Your Audience’

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