Broadband Initiatives in Indiana
Indiana is working to closing the gap on the digital dive. We’ll look at how $1.5 billion in public-private funding is connecting unserved or underserved Hoosiers to the web.

NFL Combine-IU Health’s Medical Role
Indianapolis is hosting its 37 th NFL Combine and IU Health is playing a major role in making sure the players are in top shape. Learn why the medical component of the Combine is a major reason why Indy continues to host the event.

Ports of Indiana
Indiana's three ports shipped 12.6 million tons of goods last year, the second highest in its 63-year history. We’ll have more on the surprising numbers of a state many consider to be landlocked.

Indiana Agriculture-Cuba
Hoosier-grown food is gaining traction on the international stage, specifically in Cuba. We’ll break down Indiana's global ag strategy and what it means for the state's farmers.