The IBPA Advocacy Committee is making plans for this coming year to lobby, write, and campaign for better awareness and fairness for independent publishers. Committee member Mel Corrigan discusses some of these initiatives, from distribution to piracy to copyrights.

Topics Coveredmission of the Advocacy Committeeinitiativespiracyaccess to distributioncontent protectionthe CASE Act, Internet Archive, Audible Captionsadvocation for indie publishers in broader terms, such as inclusiveness and diversitychanging perceptions of indie publishers by review mediahow to join the committeeLinks

Scribe Publishing Company

Mel’s' profile on Scribe Publishing Company's website

About the Internet Archive

About the CASE Act

About Audible Captions

IBPA's response to Amazon cutting book orders in preparation for Black Friday (November 2019)

IBPA's: Amazon's third party buy button policy hurts publishers (May 2017)

IBPA's call to action regarding the Amazon buy button policy (June 2017)

Update on the Amazon buy button policy (Fall 2017 update)


Mel Corrigan is a member of the IBPA Advocacy Committee and the Business & Marketing Manager at Scribe Publishing Company in Royal Oak, Michigan. She joined the team in 2012 during the launch of the company’s first novel as project manager and editorial assistant and established an in-house royalty tracking system as well as other business and finance reporting.

To see what she’s currently reading, follow her on Goodreads. You can read more at or find her on watch her interview with Indie Reads TV.

Peter Goodman (host) is publisher of Stone Bridge Press  in Berkeley, California. He began his publishing career in Tokyo, Japan, in 1976. A longtime member of IBPA, he has served on the IBPA board and as IBPA board chair.

For more information, go to IBPA at