Giving talks about your book at associations, clubs, schools, and luncheons is a great way to connect with readers, develop sales, and establish your credibility as an expert in your field. Industry veteran Cheryl Callighan goes over the basics.

Topics include:

Why are speaking engagements good for authors?

(1) They establish your credibility and act as a calling card.

(2) They help spread your mission.

(3) They can generate additional income.
Finding speaking gigs and associations using Google and other online resources.
When to start setting things up: 6 months to 1 year in advance!
The speaker’s contract.
Content: usually based on the book.
The importance of reviews and testimonials to build your reputation as a speaker.
Join Toastmasters to polish your speaking skills.
Managing back of the room sales: don’t forget sales tax! Hint: get an assistant!
Stay focused and know your audience


The Author’s Assistants

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Cheryl Callighan is a Master Virtual Assistant and Professional Author's Assistant with over 35 years of executive administration/project management.

Peter Goodman (host) is publisher of Stone Bridge Press in Berkeley, California. He began his publishing career in Tokyo, Japan, in 1976. A longtime member of IBPA, he has served on the IBPA board and as IBPA board chair.