Book marketing isn’t just about selling books, it’s about building a reputation and an audience of loyal readers. An author may be focused on their writing so much that they don’t quite know what their brand is, but that’s where a publisher comes in. Publishers can, and should, help their authors pinpoint a professional and memorable author brand in order to engage fans and sell books. On this episode of “Inside Independent Publishing (with IBPA),” personal branding expert and internet marketing strategist Jeniffer Thompson shares practical tools for creating a sustainable author brand as well as easy-to-implement steps to highlight the brand story, elevate the author’s visibility, and ensure a consistent visual presence.


Jeniffer Thompsonis a personal branding coach, book marketing strategist, and publishing consultant. She co-founded Monkey C Media in 2004, an award-winning book cover and author website design house. She is also the host of The Premise podcast, co-founder of the San Diego Writers Festival, and serves on the International Memoir Writers Association board. to learn more, subscribe to her author marketing tips atJenifferThompson.comand listen to her podcast

Independent Book Publishers Association is the largest trade association for independent publishers in the United States. As the IBPA Director of Membership & Member Services, Christopher Locke helps guide the 4,000+ members as they travel along their publishing journeys. As one of his major projects, he oversees the IBPA NetGalley program, which generates buzz and garners reviews for indie publishers’ titles. He’s also passionate about indie publishing, because he’s an author publisher himself, having published two novels so far in his YA trilogy, The Enlightenment Adventures.


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