Many authors would prefer to just write books and leave the marketing to someone else, but if a book is going to be successful, it is imperative that authors take an active role in marketing their books. Since a lot of authors feel uncomfortable with this, it’s helpful if independent publishers work with their authors as partners on this issue. On this episode of “Inside Independent Publishing (with IBPA),” founder of independent publisher Motina Books Diane Windsor shares tips about how indie publishers can guide their authors to market their books successfully.


Diane Windsor is the founder of the traditional publishing company, Motina Books. Her mission is to publish books by and for mothers, giving women the chance to release their stories into the world. Diane works hard to create a partnership with her authors. Throughout the publishing process, Diane works closely with the author every step of the way – editing, formatting, cover design, distribution, and marketing.

Marketing, of course, is the most important aspect of publishing your book. You could write the best book in the world, but it doesn’t matter how good it is if no one knows about it. There is no easy solution for marketing your books. It takes just as much work as writing that first draft. And, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. You have to think about your specific target audience, and come up with out-of-the-box ideas for reaching them.

Upcoming Books:

Descent Into Ulthoa by Gordon Bonnet (my sole Motina Man) - October 19 - A sci fi thriller about a man searching for his twin brother who disappeared ten years earlier.

In 2022, Motina Books has several books that will be released:

Two non-fiction books on grief and loss.A historical fiction novel based on the true events of the Bath House Riot in El Paso, in 1917Two domestic thrillersOne picture book to raise limb-loss awareness and another that contains 20 biographies of people with disabilitiesA memoir by a dancer who became a pilates instructorSeveral children's chapter books

Independent Book Publishers Association is the largest trade association for independent publishers in the United States. As the IBPA Director of Membership & Member Services, Christopher Locke helps guide the 3,700+ members as they travel along their publishing journeys. As one of his major projects, he oversees the IBPA NetGalley program, which generates buzz and garners reviews for indie publishers’ titles. He’s also passionate about indie publishing, because he’s an author publisher himself, having published two novels so far in his YA trilogy, The Enlightenment Adventures.


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