Dr. Elaine R. Ingham is my guest on Episode 162 of Inside Ideas with Marc Buckley. Dr. Elaine Ingham uncovered the Soil Food Web nearly 4 decades ago and has been pioneering research about Soil Food Web ever since. Widely recognized as the world’s foremost soil biologist, she’s passionate about empowering people to bring the soils in their communities back to life.  Dr. Elaine’sTM Soil Food Web Approach has been used to successfully restore the ecological functions of soils on more than five million acres of farmland all over the world. The courses offered by Dr. Elaine’sTM Soil Food Web School have been designed for people with, or without, a science background - making them accessible to individuals who wish to learn and to begin a meaningful and impactful career in an area that will help to secure the survival of humans and other species.  B.A., Biology and Chemistry, St. Olaf College M.S., Microbiology, Texas A&M University Ph.D., Microbiology, Colorado State University Founder and President, Soil Food Web Inc. Director, Soil Food Web School.