Sandra Sorgini @get_fitss


Physical Health Educator, Body Transformation Coach, Fitness Writer & Model Sandra has stretched her passion for coaching in health, wellness, sport and fitness across so many incredible avenues.

Competing as a U sport All-Canadian and semi professional soccer player, collecting OSA coaching levels led into coaching university athletes towards achieving athletic and academic goals. Her H. B. Kin and B. Ed degrees have given her the awesome responsibility and privilege of molding and shaping the lives of teen girls and boys as a secondary school phys ed teacher where she teaches fitness focus and sport focus classes and inspires teen girls to stay in sport.

Sandra also spent a few years in education leadership as a secondary school vice principal. She is also a CanfitPro PTS, TRX, Bootcamp and Kettlebell certified and a body transformation coach certified by the STRONG formula under CoachJVB. Sandra's signature program, The TOMBOY Prep and Photoshoot Experience was born out of her love for fitness, sport and modelling and her desire to keep girls in sport.

This experience gives professional, former high level athlete moms and women the ultimate in nutrition and training programming that celebrates their transformation in a unique, one of a kind sporty sexy photoshoot with Canada's best fitness photographer. As a mom to two children herself, Sandra guides former high level athlete moms back to champion form with a particular focus on bringing the athletes mentality to all aspects of their life.

