Keeping engineers effective is not a small task when you work at Meta’s scale. Many of the tools you take for granted simply break or become unbearably slow. Chandrika’s team looks after developer experience at Meta and takes a holistic approach that spans the editing experience (IDEs, editors), builds, continuous integration and even custom calendar tooling. Her team ensures that as new platforms, for instance AR/VR, and languages like Swift and Kotlin emerge, our infrastructure is ready.

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  • Intro 0:06

  • News: The Diff is back 1:25

  • Chandrika before Meta 1:50

  • Meta vs other Megacorps 9:57

  • DevEx at Meta 12:05

  • Different Dev Infra Teams 23:18

  • Unexpected Challenges 26:45

  • Kotlin & Swift 30:34

  • Measuring Developer Experience 35:53

  • App Health & Perf 37:46

  • Cross-App Dev 40:12
  • Outro 42:17

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