Hi everyone, we are back with another episode of our podcast allowing you to get to know people working behind the scenes of the crypto industry. Today we are joined by Rex,  the Game Lead of Blood Vessels. Blood Vessels is unlike any project Kongregate has ever undertaken. It is a game that combines NFT technology with our ability to create strong communities and weave interesting stories.

Welcome to the one hundred and seventh episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on October 4th 2022. Today Rex talk about the next play by gaming platform Kongregate. Why they are moving into the NFT space and what we should expect from their first take at blockchain gaming.

I also would like to thank my employer Amun Tokens for making podcasts like this happen. Please don’t forget to check us out and our products at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we interview someone else in the cryptocurrency universe.

Topics Covered Today:

Rex, I have to ask. Kongregate is such a popular platform. How did you get them onboard with an NFT game given the mixed views in the public space?

How do you plan to onboard people into this game given some of the issues with people getting into crypto?

Your launching on ImmutableX? Why did you make this choice as opposed to other possible protocols?

I’d love for you to tell our viewers and listeners what Blood Vessels is about? How did you come up with?

There are quite a few NFT games at the moment? What are you trying to do differently?

The art looks amazing. Very period appropriate. Where did the inspiration for the style come from?

One of the tag lines on your twitter is “An immersive world shaped by you”. What do you mean by that? How do we shape the world?

What’s coming before the end of this year and what should we expect for next year?

If this goes well, should we expect kongregate to release more NFT games?

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Rex’s Links:


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Telegram (English)



Blood Vessels Allowlist Links:



Hi everyone, we are back with another episode of our podcast allowing you to get to know people working behind the scenes of the crypto industry. Today we are joined by Rex,  the Game Lead of Blood Vessels. Blood Vessels is unlike any project Kongregate has ever undertaken. It is a game that combines NFT technology with our ability to create strong communities and weave interesting stories.

Welcome to the one hundred and seventh episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on October 4th 2022. Today Rex talk about the next play by gaming platform Kongregate. Why they are moving into the NFT space and what we should expect from their first take at blockchain gaming.

I also would like to thank my employer Amun Tokens for making podcasts like this happen. Please don’t forget to check us out and our products at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we interview someone else in the cryptocurrency universe.

Topics Covered Today:

Rex, I have to ask. Kongregate is such a popular platform. How did you get them onboard with an NFT game given the mixed views in the public space?

How do you plan to onboard people into this game given some of the issues with people getting into crypto?

Your launching on ImmutableX? Why did you make this choice as opposed to other possible protocols?

I’d love for you to tell our viewers and listeners what Blood Vessels is about? How did you come up with?

There are quite a few NFT games at the moment? What are you trying to do differently?

The art looks amazing. Very period appropriate. Where did the inspiration for the style come from?

One of the tag lines on your twitter is “An immersive world shaped by you”. What do you mean by that? How do we shape the world?

What’s coming before the end of this year and what should we expect for next year?

If this goes well, should we expect kongregate to release more NFT games?

Blood Vessel’s Links:






Rex’s Links:


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Telegram (English)



Blood Vessels Allowlist Links:




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