Hey Solana people… We held a Twitter spaces earlier this month hosted by Amun’s Jason Millingen. We were lucky enough to get our friends from Aldrin, Jet and Mango Markets. This episode was recorded on September 16th 2022. 

The theme of this spaces centered around Solana, defi and what to expect from 2023. We asked about the network outages, current state of the bear market and much more. Make sure you listen to the entire episode. 

I have to mention that nothing in this episode constitutes financial advice. Please do your own research. Anything said here is my own opinion and not to be connected with my employer. But I am forever grateful to them for helping make this podcast a reality so please do check out our website and the tokens we offer at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in two weeks time where we help you to get to grips with what is going on in the Defi Ecosystem. 

Questions Covered Today:

I’m sorry but I have to get this question out of the way.Anatoly was on Real  Vision a few Friday’s ago and said the network outages have been a curse. You all run different projects. Were you affected at all and if so how? (https://cointelegraph.com/news/network-outages-have-been-solana-s-curse-says-co-founder)Solana’s been the only network to push aggressively into mobile? Are you preparing for that? (https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/09/06/more-reasons-to-be-bullish-on-solana/)We’ve seen adoption occur at a crazy fast pace in 2021. It’s still happening this year. What do you expect to catalyze adoption of your individual protocols in 2023? (https://twitter.com/FireblocksHQ/status/1564977622873882628?s=20&t=BLJiTOMAdPSewoJV9nJL1Q)Binance recently made a big play by stopping to support USDC. With all the competition on Solana, do you worry about a centralized entity disrupting what you are trying to do? (https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/05/binance-to-convert-users-usdc-usdp-tusd-into-its-own-stablecoin-busd/)Coindesk had an excellent article the other week. Let’s remind the audience that this is not financial advice but what might restart the bull market? (https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/06/what-might-restart-the-crypto-bull-market-bernstein-has-ideas/)Ethereum paved the way for crypto as we know it today. Solana’s co-founder said he expected upside post-merge for Solana and their related projects. Have you felt like this has materialized and why not? https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/09/13/solana-co-founder-sees-upside-from-ethereums-merge-saga-web-3-mobile/Nitro recently announced building the first Layer 2 for the Solana network. This will be the first Solana scaling solution, connecting it to IBC and Cosmos. What’s your thoughts on that and how do you think it will impact the ecosystem?

Hey Solana people… We held a Twitter spaces earlier this month hosted by Amun’s Jason Millingen. We were lucky enough to get our friends from Aldrin, Jet and Mango Markets. This episode was recorded on September 16th 2022. 

The theme of this spaces centered around Solana, defi and what to expect from 2023. We asked about the network outages, current state of the bear market and much more. Make sure you listen to the entire episode. 

I have to mention that nothing in this episode constitutes financial advice. Please do your own research. Anything said here is my own opinion and not to be connected with my employer. But I am forever grateful to them for helping make this podcast a reality so please do check out our website and the tokens we offer at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in two weeks time where we help you to get to grips with what is going on in the Defi Ecosystem. 

Questions Covered Today:

I’m sorry but I have to get this question out of the way.Anatoly was on Real  Vision a few Friday’s ago and said the network outages have been a curse. You all run different projects. Were you affected at all and if so how? (https://cointelegraph.com/news/network-outages-have-been-solana-s-curse-says-co-founder)Solana’s been the only network to push aggressively into mobile? Are you preparing for that? (https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/09/06/more-reasons-to-be-bullish-on-solana/)We’ve seen adoption occur at a crazy fast pace in 2021. It’s still happening this year. What do you expect to catalyze adoption of your individual protocols in 2023? (https://twitter.com/FireblocksHQ/status/1564977622873882628?s=20&t=BLJiTOMAdPSewoJV9nJL1Q)Binance recently made a big play by stopping to support USDC. With all the competition on Solana, do you worry about a centralized entity disrupting what you are trying to do? (https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/05/binance-to-convert-users-usdc-usdp-tusd-into-its-own-stablecoin-busd/)Coindesk had an excellent article the other week. Let’s remind the audience that this is not financial advice but what might restart the bull market? (https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/06/what-might-restart-the-crypto-bull-market-bernstein-has-ideas/)Ethereum paved the way for crypto as we know it today. Solana’s co-founder said he expected upside post-merge for Solana and their related projects. Have you felt like this has materialized and why not? https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/09/13/solana-co-founder-sees-upside-from-ethereums-merge-saga-web-3-mobile/Nitro recently announced building the first Layer 2 for the Solana network. This will be the first Solana scaling solution, connecting it to IBC and Cosmos. What’s your thoughts on that and how do you think it will impact the ecosystem? Link  

Participant Links:

Jet Protocol

Aldrin Labs

Mango Markets

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