Hi everyone, we are back with another episode of our podcast allowing you to get to know people working behind the scenes of the crypto industry. Today we catch up with  Gaurav Dubey, the CEO of TDefi. A crypto incubator and advisory company.

Welcome to the eighty-fifth episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on July 26th 2022. Today we dive into the current state of the startup scene, crypto regulations and advice for finding your own way in the crypto industry.

I also would like to thank my employer Amun Tokens for making podcasts like this happen. Please don’t forget to check us out and our products at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we interview someone else in the cryptocurrency universe.

Topics Covered Today:

Before we dive into Streamflow Gaurav, I think it would be remiss to not talk about the current state of the industry. Has the macroeconomic environment affected what you are doing? How do you feel about it?

I think most of our audience understands tokenization but what about for people not in crypto? How is that going to affect their lives?

We know some protocols have really fast transaction speeds like Solana or Polygon. But at the same time, there are also issues there. How is the industry going to bring these speeds to regular people?

When the market came down, we once more heard the calls for regulations to protect consumers? In what form do you see these occurring?

Much of the Northern Hemisphere has been under heat warnings for the better part of a month. How does crypto aid in sustainability of our society?

One of the things I saw you talk about is the equitable growth of the world economy? Is it possible to make it fairer? How does crypto aid this?

We haven’t yet talked about it but is there anything exciting going on at TDefi that you’d like to share with our audience?

What's your prediction for the next 6 to 12 months in the industry?

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