Hey Solanians….. How are you? The markets are looking a little green but that always makes me suspicious since we’ve seen that before... This is the sixth episode  of our SOLI focused segment of the Inside Crypto podcast. In this series we plan to cover the latest news regarding the constituents of our Solana Ecosystem Index. They are Serum, mSOL, Raydium and Solend and Orca. This episode was recorded on June 23rd 2022. 

The first thing we will always dive into, is the price action of the week and then go through any major news items with regards to the constituents.... Solend has been dominating everything Solana related this past week but don’t worry we have lots more to talk about… 

I have to mention that nothing in this episode constitutes financial advice. Please do your own research. Anything said here is my own opinion and not to be connected with my employer. But I am forever grateful to them for helping make this podcast a reality so please do check out our website and tokens we offer at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we help you to get to grips with what is going on in the Solana Ecosystem. 

News Covered Today:

SOLI Price Action

Marinade Community Manager

Marinade Explainer

PsyFinance x Serum Vault Rewards Program — PsyDO



Raydium AcceleRaytor

Orca Figma Style Guide

Orca Available On Token Terminal

Solend Says Investor at Center of Solana DeFi Controversy Started to Move Funds

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