Hi everyone, we are back with another episode of our podcast allowing you to get to know people working behind the scenes of the crypto industry. Today we catch up with Matt Powers,the Director of Communications at 03 Swap, a multi-token protocol for decentralized services.O3 Swap is the first cross-chain aggregation protocol that enables free trading of native assets between heterogeneous chains.

Welcome to the ninety-first episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on August 25th 2022. We dive into what 03 is doing, from their cross-chain swaps to their cross-chain NFT bridging, and more exciting things coming in the future. 

I also would like to thank my employer Amun Tokens for making podcasts like this happen. Please don’t forget to check us out and our products at tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we interview someone else in the cryptocurrency universe.

Topics Covered Today:

Matt, 03 Swap is such a cool name but for those in our audience, why don’t you give us a quick explainer of what it is?

What’s the main cause for using your site? What advantages are users gaining?

Beyond bridging, you also swap but rather swaps heterogeneous or different digital assets too. That maybe a mouthful for some people, could you break it down for us?

Looking at some of the graphics on your site.  How does exchanging gas tokens work. You mention it saving time and fuss and I would love that. How do I use it?

Your only EVM at the moment. Are there plans to go beyond that?

The merge looks like it is going to happen? What’s your expectation for post-merge? How will that effect 03-swap if at all?

What’s your outlook on crypto for the next year. What are you looking forward to, what are you worried about?

Lastly to end of today’s episode. What should people be looking out for when it comes to 03 Swap. What should they be excited about that is up coming?

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