Hello you wonderful crypto people and welcome back to the show where we meet real people in crypto. People who are involved with some of the hottest projects and organizations out there and regular people like yourselves. We want to hear your stories, so if you are just a regular crypto user or someone who works in the industry, contact us through social media or email me directly. Welcome to the thirteenth episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on October 12th 2021. Today we are joined by Karim (check the Chainlink episode) as well as Lucas Outumuro, head of research at Into The Block. With the upcoming launch of our Polygon Ecosystem Token, he joins us to analyze the Polygon ecosystem. Karim and Lucas provide a wonderful discussion towards the end of the episode with some very detailed discussion about NFT’s, gaming, and the growth of Polygon (MATIC).

Two small notes. We usually record videos at Inside Crypto so some of the information Lucas and Karim mention would be best viewed on that. Due to the nature of remote interviews and the three of us being in different locations, there will be some audio lag. I’ve done my best to edit it so it shouldn’t be too disruptive for your listening experience. The Thank you so much for your understanding and don’t forget to tune in next week where we meet someone else and get their insights into the fascinating world of crypto.

Topic Covered Today:

1.    What is Polygon

2.    What is OnChain Analysis

3.    Daily Active Addresses

4.    Average Transaction Fees

5.    Total Fees

6.    Polygon Ecosystem

7.   Miner Extracted Value (MEV)

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