Hello friends…. Hope you are having a good weekend. This is a bonus episode of the Inside Crypto podcast. Today we have some members of the Amun team joining us for some discussion, questions and fun. This episode was recorded on February 19th 2022. 

Today you will meet some of the people I work with, hear their stories and some great crypto information. We will also be taking questions about our recent SOLI launch and our upcoming Layer 1 token. If you didn’t manage to catch us during the live event then please sit back and enjoy.

I have to mention that nothing in this episode constitutes financial advice. Please do your own research. Anything said here is  the speaker's respective opinion and not to be connected with their employer. But they are forever grateful to them for helping make this podcast a reality so please do check out our website and tokens we offer and tokens.amun.com.

Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week for more content from Amun and our other partners. 

Questions Covered Today:

Why are there no details about the team available?

What are we doing with Layer 1?

How does the weighting work?

What are the roots of the name Amun? 

What are the technical hurdles involved with building these index tokens?

How Does Amun ensure the quality of its products?

Why did we choose StarLaunch for SOLI?

Why does an index token need a launchpad?

How is Amun reducing the difficulty and complexity of interacting with Defi protocols?

How is the price peg maintained?

Does Amun have any plans for an NFT Index?

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