Hi everyone, we are back with another episode of our fascinating podcast allowing you to get to know people working behind the scenes of the crypto industry. Today we catch up with another new member of the team, Sang Kim. Business strategy manager and Defi Kingdoms player. 

Welcome to the thirty-seventh episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on January 26th 2022. It seems like we have talked a little bit about NFTs in every episode. Not intentional mind you but you just can’t escape them. Sang talks about NFTs, Gamefi and much more on today’s episode. 

Before we get started, I would like to thank my employer Amun Tokens for making podcasts like this happen. Please don’t forget to check us out and our products at tokens.amun.com.

 Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we interview someone else in the cryptocurrency universe and ask all those burning questions you’re dying to ask. 

Topics Covered Today:

So Sang, you proposed the idea of NFT Gaming. Do you want to tell our audience what NFTs are before we dive into the gaming part?

What makes NFT gaming so interesting? I asked this to Ryan last week? Why do you think so many gamers are against NFT gaming?

Are you playing any NFT games at the moment? If so, what are they and why? If not, what games would you like to play? What is so appealing about them?

We’ve had quite a few news articles drop about NFTs this past week? CNET has an interesting article. Towards the end, they say more than half of game developers are interested in NFTs. Do you think developers will just bulldoze past player’s wishes?

What does the future hold for NFT gaming? A previous guest just tweeted this past Sunday. Despite the dip in the market. NFTs are still holding their value? Does that bode well for the market?

You also mentioned talking about Web3 Infrastructure plays. We’ve talked about it in previous episodes. What’s your take on that?

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