Hi everyone, it's Crian and I am back with another episode of our fascinating podcast allowing you to get to know people working behind the scenes of the crypto industry. Today we catch up with my new and illustrious coworker Ryan who has an energetic breadth of knowledge to bring to your ears today. Being well versed in crypto twitter, YouTube and much more.

Welcome to the thirty-fifth episode of the Inside Crypto Podcast. This episode was recorded on January 20th 2022.  Most people have heard our outlook video/podcast already. This is a discussion of some of the points there. We’d love to hear your feedback so please drop into our socials and let us know how right or wrong we are…

Before we get started, I would like to thank my employer Amun Tokens for making podcasts like this happen. Please don’t forget to check us out and our products at tokens.amun.com.

 Thanks everyone for listening and don’t forget to tune in next week where we interview someone else in the cryptocurrency universe and ask all those burning questions you’re dying to ask. 

Topics Covered Today:

Do you expect ETH to flip BTC this year? What do you expect to happen with these two dominant coins in crypto?

Do you think more people will get into Defi? I know a fair number of crypto holders in their late thirties and forties. Defi is too scary… What do you expect?

The FCA in the UK has taken quite a hardline stance when it’s come to crypto. Along with the Bank of England. Do you see that changing? Is that related to the more “conservative” government you have now? Would the liberals be better?

What do you think about institutions? Are they going to get more involved this year?  Despite regulatory scrutiny?

We have to mention NFTs… What do you expect to happen there? NFTs so far have been limited to really cool pictures… do you expect them to broaden into other areas?

What do you see happening with Solana, Avalanche, Polkadot etc…

Are they finally going to catch up to Ethereum in usability/ecosystem adoption? Does that matter?

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