After he was mentioned by two of my recent podcast guests (Jeremy Gibbs Ep 24 and Graham Thompson Ep 26 ) as providing valuable mentoring advice at different stages of their careers, I’m delighted to be joined by Peter Leech for his views on the value of mentoring.

Peter spent more than 40 years in senior technical and training roles with John Deere UK – joining the company when the average horsepower of tractors sold was barely more than a present day compact tractor – and he also reflects on the evolving nature of the agri-turf machinery industry

A common theme comes back to communication, particularly the importance of the ‘Hows and Whys’ both between company members and between technicians and the customer.

Peter recalls some the WOW moments in tractor technology and provides his thoughts on the most likely powers sources for the tractors of the future – and oh, explains how he used a standard pencil to test the thought processes of trainees!