Episode 168 hosts Dr Sarah Hart, a cosmetic physician from Auckland, New Zealand.

Sarah joins us in the 7th Chapter of our mini-series called 'The Injector Diaries'. These episodes feature in depth conversations, stories and experiences from injectors around the globe.

Each injector brings their own unique take on things and we'll showcase every level of injector, from newbies to masters. We'll explore how and why they chose to inject, why they favour using certain products, look under the hoods of their clinics and businesses and aim to learn from and inspire our injector listeners.

In this episode, we explore:

How and why Sarah became an injector Insights into the New Zealand injectable market Reflecting the New Zealand attitude to aesthetics vs Australia The New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine and what their role is exactly? Sarah's style of injecting and philosophy – where she learnt her techniques, approach and her aesthetic ‘eye’.  Her views on the trend for looking 'hyper-augmented' What's ‘right and wrong’ for injectors and should we always obey the beauty standards that we are taught? Her role as a KOL for Allergan and how it started  Being selected as a global mentee under Mauricio De Maio – what was the purpose of the programme and how did it improve Sarah as an injector The dynamic of working within someone else's clinic How having a PA helps her be a better injector  Where Sarah see's the industry going within the next 5-10 years Her views on ultrasound in aesthetics?  Her new clinic plans  

Every week we also ask our Injector Diaries guest:

- What their favourite toxin is and why

- What their favourite filler is and why

- What their go-to cannula make and size is?

- Aspiration: we discuss Sarah's co-authorship of a new a controversial paper on the topic


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Episode 168 hosts Dr Sarah Hart, a cosmetic physician from Auckland, New Zealand.

Sarah joins us in the 7th Chapter of our mini-series called 'The Injector Diaries'. These episodes feature in depth conversations, stories and experiences from injectors around the globe.

Each injector brings their own unique take on things and we'll showcase every level of injector, from newbies to masters. We'll explore how and why they chose to inject, why they favour using certain products, look under the hoods of their clinics and businesses and aim to learn from and inspire our injector listeners.

In this episode, we explore:

How and why Sarah became an injector Insights into the New Zealand injectable market Reflecting the New Zealand attitude to aesthetics vs Australia The New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine and what their role is exactly? Sarah's style of injecting and philosophy – where she learnt her techniques, approach and her aesthetic ‘eye’.  Her views on the trend for looking 'hyper-augmented' What's ‘right and wrong’ for injectors and should we always obey the beauty standards that we are taught? Her role as a KOL for Allergan and how it started  Being selected as a global mentee under Mauricio De Maio – what was the purpose of the programme and how did it improve Sarah as an injector The dynamic of working within someone else's clinic How having a PA helps her be a better injector  Where Sarah see's the industry going within the next 5-10 years Her views on ultrasound in aesthetics?  Her new clinic plans  

Every week we also ask our Injector Diaries guest:

- What their favourite toxin is and why

- What their favourite filler is and why

- What their go-to cannula make and size is?

- Aspiration: we discuss Sarah's co-authorship of a new a controversial paper on the topic


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More about Dr Jake

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