Episode 111 hosts Dr Lee Walker, a world-renowned cosmetic injector from Liverpool in the UK. Dr Walker previously worked as a Dental Surgeon before dedicating his time to facial aesthetics. He is a hugely respected global key opinion leader for Teoxane and has taught in over 30 countries.

In this role, Dr Walker heads and helps design the Teoxane educational programme in addition to mentoring injectors in several key markets. Dr Walker is best known for his easy to understand approach to cosmetic education and his knowledge of facial anatomy.

We discuss a wide range of topics concerning the evidence (or lack of) for how we as injectors practice. We start with one of the key issues surrounding the specialty, namely who exactly should be allowed to inject and how should injectors train to demonstrate a level of competence?

We then tackle some of the myths, dogma and assumptions of the injectable world including:

- Was there really a global toxin-failure phenomenon post-lockdown?

- One of the biggest controversies in injectables, the concept of 'aspiration'. Is it a useful test and if not, what should we be doing?

- Are cannulas really safer than needles? What does 'safe' even mean?

- Facial swelling post-COVID 19 vaccinations. Is this a new worrying concern or simply media-hype and a known issue?

-Filler associated blindness and what should we do about it?

- And much more!


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Follow Dr Walker on IG: https://www.instagram.com/leewalker_academy