Insert Credit covers GDC 2022 with Liz Ryerson reporting direct from the expo hall on a quest to achieve corporate heaven, while Brandon Sheffield gets quick hits from some prominent attendees and reflects on GDC itself.


Heaven or Corporate Hell: The GDC 2022 Expo Hall, by Liz Ryerson (00:47)

GDC 2022 Reports by Brandon Sheffield: standing in front of a mural (14:32)
hotel report and lumbar pillow (16:34)
fomo (18:47)
Why Is the Whole Idea of Todd Howard Funny? An Investigation, by Kris Graft (21:23)
hodd toward (23:15)
bbc interview about the ukraine bundle (23:49)
piloting through shit, with Rami Ismail (24:35)
an anecdote about gdcs past, with Vincent Diamante (25:51)
unfortunately configured pizza, with Tyriq Plummer (27:47)
wearing a fuck nfts shirt in business meetings, with Xalavier Nelson Jr. (29:02)
a story about discovering punk bands, with Chris Charla (31:56)
flaccid exchanges and ambient jazz (33:07)
san francisco and oakland are different places in america (34:57)
america is a whole country that has san francisco and oakland in it (36:08)
masking (36:48)
an event conspiring (37:49)
something to say, with Anita Sarkeesian (38:31)
something interesting about anthropology, with Trent Kusters (38:53)
the best pancakes in los angeles, with Teddy Dief (40:57)
what lyft drivers know about stem cells, with Scott Jon Siegel (42:33)
Mental Health, by Nick Suttner (43:53)
international news (45:51)
crashing a crypto party, with Frank Cifaldi and Kelsey Lewin (46:39)
a little more to say, with Frank Cifaldi and Kelsey Lewin (52:29)
bye forever (55:13)

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Hosted by Alex Jaffe, Liz Ryerson and Brandon Sheffield reporting. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original Music by Kurt Feldman.

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