It's that time of the year where all of the biggest stars in gaming gather to celebrate this medium we all love, The Inputies™!

Also, we are ending the show! Surprise!

We have done this show for two years. Have done over 100 episodes, and have all learned a lot in the process. It wasn't always pretty and I, Jurge Cruz, would bet at least 15% of the episodes we somehow figured out to record on a weekly basis, are bad. Still, there were also some guaranteed bangers.

It's fitting in tradition with this show that I'm writing up this post while I need to go run out and do something else because boy howdy this show sure was an improv comedy at times.

Anyway, thank you to anyone who has listened to this show, bought a shirt, tweeted us something nice, and maybe even came on it. This certainly was a wild learning experience and I'm proud of some of the content we put up on this podcast feed.

Sincerely. Thank you. 🙏

Anyway, the awards!!


Theme Song: “Ancient Heavy Tech Donjon” by Komiko

Input is a product of Irrational Passions

Follow us on twitter!

Irrational Passions – @irrationalpod

Jurge – @jcruzalvarez26

Jarrett – @jarrettjawn

It's that time of the year where all of the biggest stars in gaming gather to celebrate this medium we all love, The Inputies™!

Also, we are ending the show! Surprise!

We have done this show for two years. Have done over 100 episodes, and have all learned a lot in the process. It wasn't always pretty and I, Jurge Cruz, would bet at least 15% of the episodes we somehow figured out to record on a weekly basis, are bad. Still, there were also some guaranteed bangers.

It's fitting in tradition with this show that I'm writing up this post while I need to go run out and do something else because boy howdy this show sure was an improv comedy at times.

Anyway, thank you to anyone who has listened to this show, bought a shirt, tweeted us something nice, and maybe even came on it. This certainly was a wild learning experience and I'm proud of some of the content we put up on this podcast feed.

Sincerely. Thank you. 🙏

Anyway, the awards!!


Theme Song: “Ancient Heavy Tech Donjon” by Komiko

Input is a product of Irrational Passions

Follow us on twitter!

Irrational Passions – @irrationalpod

Jurge – @jcruzalvarez26

Jarrett – @jarrettjawn

Twitter Mentions