Previous Episode: Episode 16
Next Episode: Episode 18

Jurge sadly came down with a case of the Extra Life Pox so Logan and Jarrett carry on gallantly in his steed.

Topics this week:

IGN's content team goes on strike.

The twists and turns of the Star Wars Battlefront 2 micro-transaction drama.

Works Mentioned:

Kallie Plagge accuses former IGN editor of sexual harassment.

Vince Ingenito's response. 

IGN editor and host of the Daily Fix, Alanah Pierce's statement saying the content team was going on strike. 

The content teams collective statement on the matter.

Redditor uncovered some interesting finds on Battlefront 2.

EA's statement in response.

EA announcing changes to the game.

Jason Schreier's story about the make believe EA employee receiving real death threats.



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Theme Song:

“Ancient Heavy Tech Donjon” by Komiko

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