In this episode Jayne Interviews Sacha Stone. A deep conversation into our responsibility to planet earth, and ourselves at this time. Sacha talks about his own journey, you feel his deep heartfelt connection as he reveals his knowledge about the subjects of sound, light, the change that's needed now, and near the end a big reveal into technology that allows us to communicate with animals and nature!

 Sacha Stone is an Activist, Publisher, Public Speaker, Writer, and Film Maker. A deep conversation into truth, sovereignty, and moving into the golden spiral of Ascension.  He is the founder of The New Earth Project - The world's most integrative movement for Sustainable, Sovereign, and Self Determining Communities. Sacha is the founder of Humanitad, an organization working to facilitate global initiatives impacting sustainability, Natural Justice, Social Ecology, and Human Rights. He is the Founder of the International Tribunal for social Justice and the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse. He is also the founder of the National World Organization promoting accountability and transparency in worldwide governance which directly challenges globalism. Sacha is truly committed to change on the planet. Recently introducing the Lazarus Initiative.

#jaynemarquis #sachastone #lazarusinitiative

Sacha Stone @ for all the latest, and SOON TO LAUNCH redesigned and

Jayne is part of the ThrivEvolution solution and is  luminary leader of Health Tribe - Mind Body Soul 

Join The Thrive Tribe ThrivEvolution at

This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.