* An exclusive interview with Donna Vivino, who is currently finishing her run as the standby for Elphaba on Broadway! Previously, she performed and stood by for the role on tour -- Donna chats about a lot of fantastic stuff in the interview, and we're sure you'll love it! You can look for Donna's upcoming album "Beautiful Dreamer" on Ghostlight Records available on itunes and Amazon beginning December 10th. Stay tuned for Submissions Only Season 3 coming soon as well! And finally, you can see Donna beginning November 13th in the off-Broadway show STARS OF DAVID opening in New York at the Daryl Roth Theatre in Union Square. Tickets are on sale now. And for any more information please go to donnavivino.com or find Donna on Twitter at @donnavivino!

* We're joined by Mark Phillips, who won our 10th Anniversary contest, and is in the intro and WICKED News! Additionally, some of his questions are asked of Donna in the interview! Congrats, Mark!

* Ryan gives us the media, and as always, does an excellent job!