Rondi Lambeth is the CEO and Founder of Fortress Credit Pro, one of the leading credit repair companies in the country. Known as America's Credit Expert, he is also an award-winning TV and radio show host, a best-selling author, and has been seen on ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, and NBC. He has spoken in front of tens of thousands of people on stages all across the world, including Harvard. 

Rondi is also the Host of the School of Wealth podcast and Founder of Fortress University. He is a military veteran and served as a firefighter for 15 years. He has helped consumers eliminate more than $50 million in debt and get mortgage-ready in less than 90 days.

In this episode…

Every person needs to learn how to read and increase their credit score, whether they are in business for themselves or employed. Why? Not many know this, but it actually plays an important role in how much you pay for different products and services. 

Credit scores also help people save money, improve their chances of getting employed, and grow their wealth. Having experienced a family tragedy that was caused by bad credit, Rondi Lambeth decided to start helping others fix their scores. 

In this episode of the Innovations and Breakthroughs Podcast, Rich Goldstein is joined by Rondi Lambeth, the CEO and Founder of Fortress Credit Pro, to talk about how credit scores work. Rondi also talks about his family background, how he started developing credit tools, and his strategies for helping people fix their credit scores.