Austin Clark is the Owner and CEO of Moxie Pest Control of Arizona. The company offers customizable, premium service subscriptions for its customers' pest control needs. Their mission is to improve the quality of life for its customers, team, and community.

In 2020, Austin’s Phoenix branch grew by 119%, and they’re looking to double in 2021. By increasing Moxie Pest Control and the other businesses, Austin has learned what works best in growing and leading teams and businesses. He co-authored The E-Myth Contractor with Michael Gerber, and is the host of the popular podcast, Multiply You.

In this episode…

To increase a company's profitability, a business owner needs to improve his sales and revenue. By having suitable systems and processes for business operations, the business owner can achieve this goal. This includes having the proper recruitment and hiring processes to ensure that the right employees are working for the company.

According to Austin Clark, there are many ways of handling human behavior. He believes in starting with the end in mind when trying to shape behavior among employees and coming up with courses of action to deal with cases of indiscipline. He also advises business owners to communicate well with their employees and take the time to build a relationship.

In this episode of the Innovations and Breakthroughs Podcast, Rich Goldstein is joined by Austin Clark, the Owner and CEO of Moxie Pest Control, to discuss growing and managing an effective team to scale a business. Austin also talks about his transition from sales to entrepreneurship, setting up his business for acquisitions, and how he has been scaling Moxie Pest Control.