Nihal Mehta is the Co-Founder of Eniac Ventures, a successful seed venture firm that has invested in unicorns like AirBnb and Boxed. Nihal has been a serial founder and an active investor for over a decade. 

The only way to know what a founder is REALLY going through is by being a founder yourself. IMHO, VCs who have operator experience have a great competitive advantage.

Nihal is one of the best startup player-coaches out there so it was a blast discussing how his founder experience has influenced his VC strategy.

During the chat, we also talk about some of Nihal's other endeavors, one of which is the India Internet Group (IIG). IIG is a fund based out of India so we talk about the startup and VC scene there.

He also started The 100K Pledge, a website that holds people and companies accountable when they make public pledges to help fight injustice. The site keeps tabs on what they're actually doing to help the cause.

As you can tell, we cover a lot during the chat. Big thanks to Nihal for joining me on the pod to catch up and share his thoughts on everything.

Follow us on Twitter: @nihalmehta / @eniacventures / @mpd

Show Links

Guest Links: Eniac Ventures, The 100k Pledge,

Podcast Links: Website, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn

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