What does innovation look like in the oil and gas industry, particularly in the midstream sector? In this episode of Innovation Storytellers Show, Susan Lindner introduces Dr. Mariah Judd, the Director of Innovation at Colonial Pipeline Company, to explore this intriguing question.

Dr. Judd delves into the vital role Colonial Pipeline plays as a key national infrastructure, supplying fuel to millions of Americans. She emphasizes the company's commitment to future energy needs through innovation. With a rich background stemming from her Ph.D. at Purdue University and experience in alternative energy and energy transition, Dr. Judd brings a wealth of knowledge to the conversation.

She discusses the concept of 'midstream' in the oil industry, highlighting Colonial's efforts to enhance efficiency, optimization, and safety. From innovative leak detection and prevention technologies to ambitious projects in carbon capture and reduced emissions, Colonial Pipeline is paving the way for a sustainable energy future.

Dr. Judd also shares insights on fostering a culture of innovation within large organizations. By adopting a human-centric approach, Colonial encourages employees to embrace an innovative mindset, supporting continuous improvement and breakthrough thinking. This agile, open-minded strategy aligns innovation efforts with the company's strategic goals, enabling purposeful progress without rigid preconceptions.

Join us as we explore the complexities and opportunities of midstream innovation and discover how Colonial Pipeline is positioning itself at the forefront of energy transformation.